Dermaplaning At Georgie Glow

Dermaplaning at Georgie Glow | The benefits & how to book

We're going to talk you through one of our popular beauty treatments that enhances and elevates your natural glow. Let's dive deep into what dermaplaning is, its incredible benefits, and why combining it with our hydrating Gua Sha massage creates a transformative experience for your skin.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that exfoliates the skin and removes vellus hair (commonly known as peach fuzz), using a sterile surgical scalpel. This gentle, yet effective technique not only buffs away dead skin cells but also reveals a smoother, brighter complexion underneath. At Georgie Glow, our experts are trained to perform dermaplaning with precision and care, ensuring optimal results for our clients.

Benefits of Dermaplaning:

  1. Enhanced Radiance: By removing the layer of dead skin cells and fine hairs on the face, dermaplaning instantly brightens the complexion, leaving you with a youthful glow that lasts. 
  2. Smoother Texture: Say goodbye to rough patches and uneven skin texture. Dermaplaning promotes smoother skin by exfoliating away surface imperfections, resulting in a silkier feel.
  3. Improved Product Absorption: With the barrier of dead skin cells removed, your skincare products will penetrate deeper into the skin, maximizing their effectiveness and allow you to reap the full benefits of your skincare routine!
  4. Makeup Perfection: Dermaplaning creates the perfect canvas for makeup application, ensuring that your foundation goes on flawlessly and lasts longer throughout the day. You'll also find that you don't need to apply as much of a base layer because none of it is being absorbed by the vellus hair.
  5. Painless Procedure: Unlike some other exfoliation methods, dermaplaning is painless and requires no downtime, making it an ideal treatment for all skin types and busy lifestyles. You can literally pop into Georgie Glow on your lunch break and get this treatment done! It's quick and easy too, and only takes 30 minutes.

Dermaplaning with Gua Sha Massage:

At Georgie Glow, we believe in the power of combining treatments for enhanced results. That's why we offer dermaplaning as a standalone service or paired with our luxurious hydrating Gua Sha massage. This combination gently massages the skin promoting lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness, and sculpting facial contours.When combined with dermaplaning, the benefits of Gua Sha are amplified, resulting in a deeply rejuvenating experience for both the skin and the soul. We can target specific concerns with this treatment too, whether it's fine lines, dullness, or tension in the facial muscles. The result? A complexion that radiates health and vitality from within.

Book Your Appointment Today: Dermaplaning is suitable for pretty much everyone! So if you're ready to experience the transformative benefits of dermaplaning, don't wait any longer to unlock radiant, glowing skin. The easiest way to book is through our online booking system, or you can give us a call if you have any questions. 

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